School-based management in public schools is a form of educational decentralization which reduces school control by central representatives and gives the important decisions to the administrators, teachers and parents. It has the porwer to make decisions within the school. It participates with attraction management and coordinates with educational agencies, tourist attractions and educational quality assrance systems. Other mandates have also been disseminated regarding human resource management and genearal administration. The purpose of this research was to study and compare school-based management in public schools under the jurisdiction of Secondary Education Service Area Office 17 by educational level, experience and size of the school. The samples used in this study was a group of 280 teachers under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 17 academic year 2017. The size was determined by using the tables of Krejcie and Morgan, and the group was selected by the stratified sampling method. The research instrument was a 5-level scale questionnaire. The discriminative power ranged from0.23 to 0.43, with a confidence value of 0.87. The statistics used for data analysis were: mean, standard deviation, and t - test ( One-way ANOVA ). The difference were double - checked by using Sheffe’s differentiation method